Monday, September 21, 2009

Dinosaur Vs. Betime, by Bob Shea
This one is cute! But the key to making the reading a success is to read it with enthusiasm. When Dinosaur ROARS you have to ROAR too! At first Spencer was kind of like, "Whoa, Mom!" but then he got into it. There are maybe a few words on each page, and the drawings make it fun...kind of a cartoony feel. I think it will be very entertaining for ages 2-4, possible 6 also.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Cat, The Sillies Cat in the World

My Cat, The Sillies Cat in the World, written and illustrated by Gilles Bachelet. Fun story! This cat does many things that normal cats do: eat, sleep, eat, sleep, plays with yarn all over the house and grooms himself very well! But something about this cat is seems way to this cat really a cat!?? No, it's an ELEPHANT!

Spencer really enjoyed reading this book! The pictures were great to look at! They were simple but at the same time had a lot of detail. The text with the illustrations really make the book great! This is a funny and enjoyable story! (for me and my two year old!)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I really like this book. It is called "Who Is Driving," by Leo Timmers.

It has really colorful pictures and simple text. One of the main reasons I picked it was because it had cars and other vehicles in it. But it also has animals and I think would be a fun read for boys and girls.

Welcome All!! I have decided to start a blog in connection with my Children's Literature class. I'm not sure exactly how I am going to do my will kind of be a learn as I go. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them. I figured I would start out just talking about the books I read and what I think about them. Don't worry I will included plenty of pictures too.